Jumat, 11 Mei 2012


Social  Networking in Era Globalisasi
                                      By : Pradnya Susmitha Zen
                In era globalisasi, sosial networking so very familiar in world. Why? Because so many people know the social networking important for teenager. Sosial networking make we know how about the world know and give we new information in world. No just information but we can have many friend no just in our country but friend in other country. For teenager sosial networking will important for have many friend to sharing the problem they have.
            Teenager will be make some account in internet like facebook,twitter,blog or the other. For what? They will to seek her or his friend in that account. They will sharing they problem to they friends. If they can’t to see they friends, they will use social networking for sharing via they account maybe twitter,facebook, blog or the other. Teeneger aktif in account like that they can have so many friend in they account. Like facebook the maximal have friends five thousand, the friends can from the other country.
            You know no just for seek friends. We can use the social networking for education. The people can sert in  internet the subject if they no have book. The teenager can chatting with their teacher if they can’t good study. Know teenager can have enterprenuership via facebook. They can promotion they goods and can get new member in they enterprenuenship.
            Social networking have many positif job. The negative think not from social networking but from our self, if we know the good think we can choosy that. Don’t easy to blief if the true.

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